TeamBonding speaks to the dynamic of a prevailing foundation of common understanding, communal respect, and awareness of the exclusivity of selection to the group. The “team” has been quantified, the “building” is already in place – time to begin the “bonding”.
It begins with people; teammates from a global perspective, continents and countries representing an international viewpoint. It’s a profusion of ethnicities, cultures, interests, knowledge and passions. People embraced and empowered within the principles and ideology of a unique organization. It’s an opportunity to connect, associate, learn and participate. Hands-on involvement, interactive contribution, cultural immersion.
We present a menu of experiences – exclusive, distinctive and purposeful – singularly fun and rewarding ways to show appreciation for dedication and commitment.
…”Ultimate Amazing Race”…”Outrigger Canoe Regatta”…”Survivor Games”
“The ‘ohana that plays together stays together”…