Single Gallery
Gallery Post Type
Portfolio Post Type
You can upload a single or multiple slider images in the portfolio post. Portfolio layouts include: slider, grid4, grid3, and grid2. View the Portfolio Layouts page for the demos. Below is a sample of portfolio slider.
Highlight Post Type
Use Highlight post type to show product features and services.
Web Design
Phasellus quam ligula, imperdiet porta facilisis eget, facilisis euismod elit. Vestibulum venenatis a mi non adipiscing.
Vivamus in dolor eu lacus luctus auctor non ac turpis. Proin et rutrum dolor. Proin et rutrum dolor. Praesent venenatis purus.
Phasellus in libero libero. Morbi lobortis faucibus purus, quis feugiat turpis vulputate eget. Nulla condimentum viverra massa ac tristique.
Team Post Type
You can put social icons and animated bars for each team member. Team post layouts include: slider, grid4, grid3, and grid2. View the Team Layouts page for the demos.
Leona Balthazar Vice President of Sales
Noelani Kana‘e Manager, Program Design & Development
Raysha Mamala Account Executive
Kanani Dutro Program Manager
Qian Wang Manager, Corporate Accounting
Animated Bars
Video Section
Blog Section
December’s Hawaiian Proverb of the Month – “I ka wa ma ana ka wa hope.”
By: Kimo Jenkins, Director, Program Development & Implementation Cultural Guide “I ka wa ma ana ka wa hope” The future is in the past. As we leave 2015 behind and look forward to the limitless possibilities that 2016 may bring, this ‘ōleo no‘eau is a reminder to “know where you’ve been in order to proceed”. We […]

Honolulu City Lights
By: Andi McIntosh, Senior Sales & Program Design Coordinator With Hawai‘i’s palm trees, fragrant flowers, and year-round sunshine, we sometimes miss the start of the holiday season here on O‘ahu! But if you drive through downtown, past our historic buildings (‘Iolani Palace, Ali‘iōlani Hale, and Kawaiaha‘o Church, to name a few), it is impossible to […]

Inspired by Mother Nature
Shown: Golden Tropics, a signature design reflective of Mother Nature. We take great care and pride ourselves on the details.

5 Steps to Happiness
5 Steps to Happiness; A. Anthony Smith By: Kimo Jenkins, Director, Product Development & Implementation Cultural Guide *Please note: This month will cover reasons 1-2. Reasons 3-5 will be shared in January, 2016. Stay tuned! #1 – Own your own Happiness – No kids or home or monies will make you happy. Take responsibility – kuleana – […]
Fly-in Animation
col 2-1
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col 2-1
Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis massa.
col 3-1
Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eg.
col 3-1
Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis massa.
col 3-1
Vivamus dignissim, ligula velt pretium leo, vel placerat ipsum risus luctus purus. Tos, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit.
col 4-1
Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eget co.
col 4-1
Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis mas.
col 4-1
Vivamus dignissim, ligula velt pretium leo, vel placerat ipsum risus luctus purus. Tos, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam.
col 4-1
Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis mas.
col 4-2
Sed sagittis, elit egestas rutrum vehicula, neque dolor fringilla lacus, ut rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero. Nam risus velit, rhoncus eget cout rhoncus turpis augue vitae libero.
col 4-1
Curabitur vel risus eros, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam et blandit. Curabitur vitae velit ligula, vitae lobortis mas.
col 4-1
Vivamus dignissim, ligula velt pretium leo, vel placerat ipsum risus luctus purus. Tos, sed eleifend arcu. Donec porttitor hendrerit diam.
Section Post Type
This page is constructed with a series of Section posts. Section post allows you to display any text, call of action text block, video, gallery, shortcodes, etc. The gallery section can be a single gallery shortcode or the Gallery post type. Gallery images can be best fit or fullcover. See the two gallery sections below (first one is a single gallery and the one below is Gallery post type. You can customize the section width, background, font, and color of each section individually. This section is using a custom Google Font.