Island Wellness Creations
A Wellness Teambonding Event – Island Wellness Creations
By: Kelly Lafrance, CMP, DMCP, Program Design & Development
We have all heard that maintaining an optimal level of wellness is crucial to living a higher quality of life. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions, emotions and overall health. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions with others. So what can you do to help your employees improve their wellness? Host a Wellness Teambonding Event!
Teambonding speaks to the common understanding, communal respect, and awareness of the group. The term “teambuilding” denotes the need to construct a foundation of togetherness or connectivity because one currently does not exist, or if existing, is in need of restorative action. With Teambonding, the “team” has been quantified, the “building” is already in place – now it is time to begin the “bonding”. It begins with people; teammates with similar interests, knowledge and passions. People embraced and empowered within the principles and ideology of a unique organization. It’s an opportunity to connect, associate, learn and participate. Hands-on involvement, interactive contribution, cultural immersion.
Now add some Wellness.
The hālau ola pilikino – place of learning of health and well-being – Wellness Teambonding Event will be an interactive experience encompassing cross-cultural concepts, theories, beliefs and applications. A key to health and well-being is balance between all the elements of which we are made, in the same way a gardener creates an environment in which plants can flourish. This balance is called lōkahi in Hawaiian. It is an understanding of the relationships between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being – how one affects the other, as well as the importance of group unity, harmony & balance.
Wellness Teambonding Event workshops are designed to show participants how fun and easy it is to make many of their favorite health, bath and beauty products. Participants will make their own all-natural products using many common and Hawaiian medicinal plants. In this fun and informative experience, participants will each receive a gift bag to take home the products they create, along with instructions to recreate them on their own, and the knowledge behind the use of each ingredient.
We present a few of experiences – exclusive, distinctive and purposeful – that revolve around the host culture of Hawai‘i and inimitable wellness nature of Maui …
- All Natural Bug Repellant
- Island Breeze Air Freshener
- Maui Ocean Salt Bath
- Kona Coffee Sugar Scrub
- Chocolate Anti-Oxidant Facial
- Chai Spice Tea
- Anti-Inflammation Spice Mix
- Coco Butter Lip Balm
Together, you and Island Partners Hawai‘i, will help bring wellness to your team. Please contact us today to find out more details or to receive a proposal for a customized Wellness Teambonding Event.